Some of the Silly
Experimental Stuff
Percy Pedant's Pages
Due to...Etc.
The More Up-to-Date
Hobby Stuff.
Other People's Cars
1908 Oldsmobile
Car Show Pictures
Cars on Holiday


Early this century (!) my Other Half bought me a computing book, in whch the last chapter was how to build your own website using HTML. I had used cmputers many years prior, but feared treading into the mire of writing websites. Always getting great satisfaction out of sorting problems, I decided to challenge my PC and HTML rules and came up with this. After some silly experimental pages (left on here for nostalgia), I now use it to store photos of rallies and shows I attend relevant to NECPWA.


Born and bred in Essex, I spent the first six years of my
working life in the Merchant Navy. When I met the Geordie I later married, I decided that marriage and the M.N. wouldn't mix, so came ashore, did teacher training and after 27 years retired in 1994. We have lived in a Northumberland village for the last 55 years.
And very nice it is, too!

NECPWA - North of England Classic & Pre-War Automobiles
Newcastle Noggin
Reliant Sabre &
Scimitar Owners' Club
Site and ©Migdalski 2007
Some Updates Sept., 2024